Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cross my heart and hope to die

Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.

Standing on the street corner, a cold breeze blew through a young girl’s brunette hair and she whispered mischievously to her best friend. They shared a giggle before sharing a complex handshake neither girl would remember in the years to come.

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” the girls solemnly swore to each other, performing the necessary hand actions. But alas high school would approach and each girl would take two very different paths in life. And as the brunette stood on that exact corner, holding hands and gabbing non-stop to her new best friend the words those two almost forgotten girls pledged to each other dissapeared.

Yet another bitter argument broke out between the seperated Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It was in court, a messy and very nasty fight over custody. As Mrs. Smith sat on her chair she gazed at her soon-to-be ex husband all she could think of were the words he whispered to her at their wedding thirteen years ago.

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” he whispered with tears in his eyes before slipping the gold band onto her slender fingers.

But it was gone as soon as it came and at the end of the day, does it really matter?

A middle aged woman sat with her head in her hands at in her empty kitchen at her empty kitchen table. Once upon a time her three kids would come bustling in each begging for a taste of the dinner she was busy preparing or desperatly needing her signature on their school field trip form. She missed her children, her family, her life. But, as expected, children grow up and ome cannot expect them to stay home for ever. Each child had left for college, and each child leaving puntured a new wound in her heart. All she could remember was the night her youngest son had a nightmare. He was six years old, the night that monsters lived under beds and all ghost stories were true. The sheets were tangled up and his pillow just wasn't right. Turning it over for him and kissing his childishly plump cheek, her son looked up at her and told her he never, ever wanted to move out of home.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," he promised, gazing up at her with such childish innocence she could feel her heart melting. She wondered if he ever thought about that night. The night he moved out, the night he announced his engagment, the night he tore her heart open by telling her his plans to move to South America. But like everyone else, he probably had forgotten.

A man in his late twenties sat in a darkened room, downing yet another vodka. She had promised to sand by him as he attended councelling and rehabilitation to end his disastous addiction to alcohol. But after three weeks and two days it had all become too stressful and she left him alone and broken hearted, flailing with his habit. When he told her he was scared. She simply brushed a lock of his dark hair behind his ear and gazed into his eyes, melting every trouble he had away as she swore to stand by him no matter what.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," she whispered before holding him long and hard. Now here he was, no evident future ahead of him, drinking even more than before all he could hear were her words and her love.

I'll remember you always. Cross my heart and hope to die.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Joyful, Playful
Laughing, Rejoicing, Being
Children are our innocence
Spectacular, Extravagant
Lighting, Exciting, Scaring
A wonder of nature

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Weeping Willow

Alone in the darkened room, Colby took another swig of Vodka. Today marked the two year anniversary of Ambrosia’s death. Many make the mistake that Colby was drinking to forget. This was quite the opposite. Colby drank to remember. Sober, he could never quite picture the twinkle in her green eyes or her shining skin in the moonlight. But drunk, she came to life. It was only for a moment or so, as he passed out pretty quickly, but it kept her memory alive. Colby’s fingers loosened and the bottle slid out of his fingers. His mind flashed back to the day he met Ambrosia.

The cool winter breeze tickled Colby’s nose like icy fingers. He was too emotionally drained to cry anymore. Although his aunt had wanted him to stay home, Colby couldn’t bring himself to. Everything was too fresh; his pain was still raw. And staying home sure as hell wasn’t going to help anything. Everything Colby did just reminded his aunt of his late mother and father. Colby pulled his hand into a fist and rapped on the classroom door three times. No answer. Pushing down the door handle a feeling of panic began to surface. This could not be happening on his first day back. He was locked out in the cold, empty corridor.

“Locked huh?” a smooth, velvety voice came from beside him. Turning away from the door to look at the mysterious voice’s owner, Colby felt an electric shock pound through his chest. Beside him stood a girl with twinkling green eyes and ghostly pale skin. She was utterly breathtaking. So innocent yet seductively dangerous. Colby felt the need to touch her, just to see whether she was real or not. A sly smile formed on her lips as she noticed he was staring.

“Go ahead, touch me, make sure I’m real,” she said, in a bemused, though her voice was vaguely flattered. Colby felt himself desperately searching for words. But what can you say to an angel?

“Uh, yeah, the door’s locked,” he said stupidly, unable to take his eyes off this stunning girl.

“Wow, you’re on fire today,” she teased playfully. Helplessly, Colby felt a smile forming on his lips.

“Hey, give me a break, not every day I get to see ghosts, and especially not talking ones!” he replied, in an equally playful tone. The girl surveyed him, her eyes running up and down his body.

“I like you!” she suddenly exclaimed, turning around to walk off.

“What’s your name?” Colby called out desperately, not wanting this girl to slip away.

“Ambrosia!” she called over her shoulder before disappearing around the corner.

Colby woke up from his dream sprawled out along the kitchen floor. Groaning as he pulled himself up, Colby reached for the tap. The cold water woke him up pretty quick.

“Oh god,” Colby muttered, holding his hand to his aching head. This was just another Monday morning for Colby.

Holding his head down, Colby pushed his way through a couple making out. The jock and the cheerleader. Typical. All these stupid high school couples, trying to pretend that they were all just like each other. None of these “couples” knew what love is. Love is not this puppy “love” crap that these stupid teenagers pretend is real. They claim they would die for each other. What a load. Ambrosia and Colby always swore they would die for each other. Look how that turned out.

Colby fumbled with his keys and let himself into his dorm room. His roommate wasn’t there. Todd? Ted? Whatever. He wouldn’t be back for a while. Partying, Colby supposed. Left Colby enough time to down pain killers and alcohol while reminiscing about his and Ambrosia’s love.

Colby put his head on his desk and closed his eyes. Everything was going wrong for him right now. His parents death, his brother running away and to top it all off, a new school. He couldn’t stay at his last school. Everyone would be staring. He would forever be known as “the kid who lost his father” and fake sympathy would follow him forever. No, he couldn’t do it. Colby would rather be known as “the new kid” than that. The voice of an angel awoke him from his misery.

“This seat taken?”

Colby looked up. Ambrosia.

Gesturing towards it, he replied, “Be my guest.”

Gracefully she sat down and crossed her legs. Colby watched her in awe as she pulled out a pen and started to chew on its end. Was she aware of just how beautiful she was?

The lesson seemed to fly by with Ambrosia by his side. As the piercing bell rang, announcing the end of the class, Colby glanced down towards his blank notebook. He couldn’t concentrate with Ambrosia next to him. Every tiny move she made he could feel beside him. Colby almost thought he was going to collapse when her arm brushed gently against his. This girl made him forget everything. Swinging her back pack over her shoulder daintily, Ambrosia turned towards Colby.

“New kids need to stick together. Come on, I know this secluded area down by the Willow tree.”

Colby rested his head back on the grass, his eyes closing happily.

“Wake up sleepy! We need to get to English soon!” Ambrosia playfully nagged.

“No! I want to stay here forever.” Colby murmured, not moving the slightest.

“Seriously?” Ambrosia asked, her eyes widening with surprise. “I thought I’d have to work a bit harder to make you bad!”

Colby sat up and laughed. “I’m not that innocent!”

“Prove it!” she dared.

“Fine,” Colby replied. “We’re skipping English!”

Colby fell for Ambrosia pretty quickly and pretty hard. Every moment not spent with her was spent daydreaming about seeing her. Ambrosia. As her name formed on the tip of his tongue, Colby could feel the butterflies flapping and the fireworks forming. It was such an unusual name. But it suited her just fine as she was an unusual girl. One day under the willow tree Colby suddenly felt the need to ask about her name.

“What’s your name mean?” Colby asked before stopping to consider the appropriate phrasing. He bit his tongue as the words came out. His mouth seemed to have a mind of its own lately. To his surprise she replied calmly.

“Ambrosia, elixir of life, food of the god’s, immortality. Take your pick.”

“Do you want to be immortal?” he suddenly whispered, desperate to hear her response.

“Depends,” she replied. “How can I be sure you’d want me forever?”

As her words ran through Colby’s pounding head, the question still seemed ridiculous. Of course he would want her forever. Never will he change his mind. Pulling out the gin he had stashed under the sink earlier, Colby raised the glass bottle to his lips and drank. The warm liquid ran smoothly down his throat, warming his stomach and his soul. Soon it was too warm. It felt like a fire blazing in the pit of his stomach. As the fire burned on in his stomach all he could think about was Ambrosia and how his love for her was like the blazing flames of hell, never to burn out. And almost as soon as he had felt them, the flames flickered and died.

It was the dead of night and Colby was sleeping the deepest sleep he had ever slept since the night his parents had died. His phone rang once, twice. Colby murmured in his sleep and tossed. The phone rang for the third and final time.

Sleepily, Colby poured cereal into a chipped, porcelain bowl and ate silently at the breakfast table alone. His home phone rang a low buzzing sound. Colby dragged himself out of his chair and answered the phone.

“Hello?” he mumbled in the phone, trying to wake up.

“Hello this is the local police station; we’re trying to contact Colby Whitehouse.”

“Yeah, this is him,” Colby replied, confused.

“Ah. Well son, this is going to be hard to hear. We found your friend, Ambrosia Steel. She was driving home late last night and wrapped her car around a tree, the one near your school.”

Ice flooded Colby’s body. Ambrosia, his Ambrosia was found wrapped around a tree. But how can that beautiful girl who flooded his heart with something sweeter then love be dead?

“Um, excuse me sir?” Colby asked, trying to find his voice. “But are you telling me that Ambrosia is dead?”
“Yes son, I’m sorry.”

That’s when it all went black.

Colby opened his eyes screaming at the top of his lunges. Tears streamed down his face, he was gasping for breath. It was Ambrosia who had called him that night. He was sleeping. If he had just picked up the phone, Ambrosia could still be, no. He couldn’t think about it. All he knew was he had to get out. Ignoring the pounding in his head, Colby grabbed his car keys and headed out to his car. Gripping the steering wheel with both his hands, he could almost feel his knuckles bursting. Putting the car in high speed, Colby tore off to the place it had all began. Suddenly the alcohol was taking over, Colby couldn’t control the car. Spinning madly out of control, Colby knew it was all over. Closing his eyes, he wondered if this is how Ambrosia had felt. Defeated, deflated and very scared.

“Cutting class huh?” A voice said next to him, taking him for a walk down that dreaded memory lane. Colby couldn’t believe his ears. He turned to his side and saw her there. Ambrosia; larger than life. Taking his hands off the steering wheel he touched her cheek. In reality Colby knew that this was happening so fast but to him it felt like an eternity.

“And to answer your question before, yes, immortality would be nice. But only with you.”

Silvery moonlight danced through the leaves of the old Willow tree. This tree had seen love come and love go. It had stood proudly for ninety nine years. And today, on its one hundredth birthday, Colby Whitehouse’s car had crashed into the trunk killing him and the old willow.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Be My Guest

Sienna’s green eyes danced in the silvery moonlight. Her pale skin was practically shining in the darkness. The only thing that was shinier was in her hand. A blade.

“Cut my arm,” Kaleb said, holding out his raw flesh, exposing his bare arm to Sienna’s blade. Sienna licked her top lip in delight and kissed his perfect skin. Drawing her head up slowly, she looked him in the eyes. Lowering the blade enticingly to his arm, Sienna began to slash. Her cuts were precise and planned. Blood spilled out of his once beautiful flesh. Trickling down his arm, the scarlet beauty was breathtaking to both. Sienna lowered her head seductively; she began to lick his open wound. Her soft lips were covered in Kaleb’s blood. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Savagely throwing Sienna on the bed, he kissed her with passion. This was their secret.

Sienna lowered the sleeve of her jumper, hiding the evidence of the night before. No one would understand the beauty and passion of their sacred act. No one else would ever know. The bell rang loudly, disturbing her dark thoughts. Sienna slowly pushed up the sleeve, just for a peek of the ecstasy she had felt less than 24 hours ago. The markings were there. Her scars were so delicate. So graceful. No indication of how disturbing they actually were.

Kaleb rested his head in his palm. The monotonous drone from the teacher washed over him. All he could think about was Sienna. And the night they had shared. He too was wearing long sleeves, not wanting to invite anyone to their secret escape. No one will know. None of the brain-dead zombies he called his friends, not the parents who brought him into this world. It was too special to share.

After what had seemed like eternity away from her beloved, Sienna finally saw him. She drew a sharp breath in as she caught sight of her true love. Although she had seen him many times, he still gave her butterflies and tingling fingers. When she saw Kaleb, it was like time stopped. No one was there, no matter how crowded the place may be. Her feet seemed to touch the air as she bounded lightly over to him. Sienna felt free when, and only when, she saw him. Leaping into his arms, Sienna covered his face with kisses. Tiny as she was, Kaleb liked to pretend that he was struggling to hold her. Taking Sienna by the hand, he gently led her to a secluded part of the school. No one ever ventured down by the drain pipes. After all, why should they? Kaleb silently invited her to sit down next to him. Wrapping his arms around her, he conveyed his emotions through his actions, as opposed to through words. Sienna’s knees pressed up against Kaleb’s chest, her cold hands cupping his face.

“I couldn’t stand being away from you in class today. It was hell. I needed you there, by my side,” Kaleb professed, gazing deeply into Sienna’s eyes. Sienna nodded. The emotions she felt were too hard to translate to words. She preferred to show him, through her actions. Leaning forward, Sienna kissed him, her love spilling into his soul. Gently taking her wrist, Kaleb kissed it softly, before drawing back his lips. He bit her wrist, blood spilling onto his tongue, removing him from the world. Her blood was irresistible. Who could refuse the sweet nectar of another’s soul?

Walking through the dimly lit street, all Kaleb could think about was his one and only, Sienna. She consumed his heart, his mind and his life. If anything ever happened to her… no. He couldn’t even think it. It would devastate him beyond words. There would be no purpose to life; he would have to join her in the unknown after world. Fiddling with the door handle, Kaleb let himself into his empty home. Well, not exactly empty. His brother was there. And his mother was probably in bed. Empty of emotions his house was. Shane, his older brother, was sitting at the kitchen table, eating a poorly made microwave dinner. Barely acknowledging Kaleb, he dumped his plate in the sink and left the room. Kaleb sighed heavily and pulled out a chair, collapsing in it. After his father died, his mother had barely gotten out of bed. And if she ever did, one glance at Kaleb would send her in a fresh burst of tears, leaving her bed-ridden for weeks. His mother used to tell people with pride how her son’s piercing blue eyes was just like his fathers’. Now she couldn’t look into them without pain flooding her veins and heart. Resting his head in his arms on the table, Kaleb shut his eyes and tried to sleep.

Sunlight burst through the cheaply made curtains. Sienna blinked rapidly, trying to wake up properly. Turning on her side, she looked at the clock. 8:32 the clock blinked. Shit. She was late. Her mother was probably still knocked out from last night and there was no way in hell she was going get a ride from her mother’s latest “boyfriend”. Drug dealer was more like it. Tempting thoughts of ditching school flickered through her mind, but only for a second. She couldn’t spend the day not seeing Kaleb. And her mother was likely to wake up, completely hung-over, ready to abuse her. No, she had to go. Walking was the only way, no matter how late she was. All she knew was that she had to be with Kaleb.

As soon as she walked through the school gates, she knew she had made a mistake. Dread pounded through her stomach like the beating of a drum. Without thought, Sienna pulled her cell out of her bag, her fingers dialing the well known number. After two rings, he picked up.

“Please come. I need you,” Sienna said, hanging up the phone before he replied.

He knew where to meet her. He always did.

Kaleb jogged down to the drain pipes. As promised, Sienna was their waiting. Her dark hair flowed around her shoulders, creating an almost angelic look about her. Kalbe felt time stop as she glanced up into his eyes. The tear streaks were not the first things he noticed. The blood flowing from an open wound on her cheek was.

“I just felt so helpless,” whispered Sienna, burying her bloodied face in her knees. Kaleb sat down next to her, holding her in his arms. Soothingly he kissed her hair and rested his cheek on top of her head. Kaleb’s eyes closed as they rocked back and forth together. Finally Kaleb felt at peace. He couldn’t sleep without Sienna by his side. Her soul slept happily by his. They gently lay back and slept peacefully.

Kaleb rubbed his eyes as he woke up. The sun had dropped down, the day was gone. So was Sienna. Why had she gone? Kaleb pondered this as he sat up. Hoping no one had noticed his absence. Pulling himself up, Kaleb began to wander home.

Sienna dabbed her open wound with a tissue. Hopefully no one would notice. She didn’t want to leave Kaleb behind, but she couldn’t help it. If she was gone much longer her mother would know, and she could never find out. Passing her mother’s bedroom, Sienna tried to ignore the sounds from the “client”. She had learnt long ago that if she wanted to eat, she had to push past the utter disgust of the act. At the tender age of fourteen her mother had decided to put her to work. “Learn the value of money”. But instead of working at the local supermarket like other teenagers her age, Scarlett was selling herself to the scum of society – the countless men she’d sold her body to, to paid the bills. She could tell no one, not even Kaleb. Not because her mother said so, she didn’t give a damn what that woman said, but because of the shame associated with her lifestyle. How could she expect Kaleb to accept her if she couldn’t accept herself?

Lying on her bed, her eyes to the ceiling, Sienna just stared at the darkness. She couldn’t bring herself to get up and turn the light on. From her bedroom, Sienna could hear the creaking of the staircase. Her mother entered her room, flicking the light switch on. Bright fluorescent light flooded in, stinging her eyes.

”We’ve got another customer,” her mother murmured. Without moving, Sienna replied. “Can’t you take this one? I’m tired.”

“Stop whining! You want to eat food, you can help me put it on the damn table!” she stumbled over her words aggressively. “And clean up your damn face!” She swept out of the room, slamming the door for effect. Sienna sighed, and dragged herself off her bed, rubbing her hands over her eyes. Slowly she made her way down the stairs. The doorbell rang again. “I’m coming!” she yelled, pushing her hair out of her face. Opening the door slowly, she was greeted with the face of the last person she expected to see here. Shane.

Kaleb slowly pushed the back door open. Hopefully no one would realize where he had been.

“Well, well, he finally returns,” a voice said, startling Kaleb out of his daydream. It was his mother. He hadn’t seen her out of her bed for so long. And not this calm, either.

“Um… hi mum. What are you doing up?” Kaleb asked awkwardly.

“Well apparently I missed a lot sleeping. Anything you want to tell me Kaleb?” she said, waiting for his reply. Ice flooded through Kaleb’s veins. Did she know?

“No,” he lied, staring at the ground.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You could have come to me if you were having trouble coping with your father’s death!” she burst out. Kaleb looked up at her in shock, completely speechless. His mother grabbed his arm in fury and pushed up his sleeve. There was no way he could get out of it now. The evidence was as clear as day. But the truth was as dark as night.

“Are you having trouble coping with your father’s death?” she asked, lowering her voice to a maternal level.

“No!” Kaleb screamed, fury erupting from his soul. “It’s not dad’s death! It’s everything! You don’t care mum; you don’t know what’s going on right now,”

Taken aback, his mother replied, “Well, I know I haven’t been there for you all the time, but there is no reason to take this out on me.”

“Really, mother?” Kaleb said sarcastically. “Well, who should I take it out on then?”

Collapsing in the kitchen chair, his mother lowered her head and began to sob. Kaleb opened the back door and slowly walked out.

Kaleb was running. He was running to the only place he truly felt happy. Sienna’s arms. Kaleb had never been to Sienna’s house before. She was too ashamed of her drug-addicted mother. Kaleb had never taken Sienna to his house either. He was not ashamed of his family but his mother would never approve. Although Kaleb had never been to Sienna’s house before, he still knew where she lived. Jogging up the driveway, Kaleb peered in the closest window. Maybe it was God’s way of telling him. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was “meant to be”. Call it whatever you want, his heart was broken. Why, you ask? Sienna was sitting in that room, kissing Shane.

Kaleb reacted instinctively and quickly. Throwing his raw fist through the glass window, the shards fell, like little teardrops from heaven. Blood flowed evenly from his wrist. Sienna and Shane jumped at the sound of the window breaking. Looking into his tear streaked eyes; Sienna knew she had lost him for good.

Chasing after Kaleb, Sienna felt her heart beating madly against her chest. Shane had come to the door looking for a prostitute. Although he claimed that he didn’t know Sienna worked there, she knew better. Grabbing Kaleb’s arm, Sienna forced him to look at her.

“You’re f**king cheating on me with my brother? How could you! I gave you my heart and my soul and this is how you treat it?!” Kaleb screamed madly, tears running down his face.

“No Kaleb, it isn’t like that, not at all!” Sienna yelled, tears running down her face as well. “I’m a prostitute. My mother sells me to sleazy men looking for fun. It turns out that Shane is one of them.”
Taken aback, Kaleb took a step away from the girl he thought he knew. “I don’t know you at all. This whole time it’s been a lie. How could you?” he whispered, turning away and walking home. Sienna didn’t try to stop him. She knew damn well that there was no way she could.

A ring from Sienna’s phone awoke her from her deep sleep. She had been almost delirious after her fight with Kaleb; she downed a handful of sleeping pills with vodka. It had done the trick. Checking the caller ID sleepily, Sienna jolted awake when she saw Kaleb’s number appear. She thought he would never talk to her again. Answering the phone eagerly, she was greeted with simple instructions.

“Meet me down at the drain pipes.”

Kaleb was feeling as stiff and emotionless as a robot. In his hand he held the one thing to help him recover. A blade. But not just any blade. The blade from their first night together. The blade which had drawn the first drop of escape for the both. Their secret. Kaleb could see Sienna sitting in the dark by the drain pipes as he approached. Sienna leapt up as she saw him, babbling incoherently.

“Oh Kaleb, I’ve been so worried! I am so sorry! I really…” Kaleb shushed her by holding the blade to her lips. A knowing smile formed on Sienna’s lips as she licked the blade with her tongue. Blood dripped out from her mouth, down her chin, seeming so beautiful in the street light.

“May I?” asked Kaleb, gesturing to her wrist.

Sienna held out her bare arm encouragingly. Kaleb smiled softly at her, positioning the blade to her arm. Then suddenly he tightened his grip on the knife and plunged it deep into her heart. Sienna choked in agony as she fell to the ground. A flicker of understanding entered her eyes, and her weak eyebrows narrowed in malice.

“I will get revenge,” she gasped out. Kaleb pulled the blade out of her chest and pocketed their only tangible memory. Sienna lay at his feet, dead. His hell was finally over.

One year later

Kaleb stood by the grave, shuffling his feet. The night he killed Sienna was a haze. All he remembered was the relief of her departure. The police and everyone who knew her believed it to be suicide. Kaleb felt no need to correct anyone. His brother ended up being jailed. Sienna was underage. Sixteen was illegal. Sienna’s mother would have gone to jail as well, if she hadn’t overdosed before the police could arrest her. Kaleb and his mother were finally forming some sort of understanding. She had tried to force him to see a therapist, but he refused. Why should he let a therapist judge Sienna? Holding a red balloon in his hand, Kaleb turned his head towards the sky and let it go. Slowly he turned from Sienna’s grave, walking away, not turning his head even the slightest. This was his goodbye.

Somewhere in the sky, a lone red balloon floated towards the heavens. Three simple words were written on it. Be my guest.